Conflict is Amazing

7 Chapters

1 hrs 7 mins

₹29.00 monthly

The reason why people are there in your life—the way they are, trying to pull you down or trying to challenge your authority, pose a threat to the power and privileges that you do have—is the fact that they want to chisel you to your perfection.

If any honor is bestowed upon you, it cannot just come free. And it shall not come as something out of thin air. There is always some progression in the making that comes from you being chiseled at the best of your performance.

Conflict is Amazing

If you are governed by the position that you hold and conduct yourself only based on the authority that has been given to you and the real "content of the character" of that position is somehow condoned, then most probably you would not be comfortable where you are, and that's when the entire spectrum of a very chaotic atmosphere surfaces. It comes out because the power and the position are being challenged.

How capable are you to upscale yourself as a person and as a human being? How much tenacious you could be under the pressure of the insurmountable task and be with it, to the extent that you are okay with it, will determine the growth and prospects of your enterprise and yourself.

What you will Gain from the Conflict is Amazing Journey?

  • Gain a perspective on "why conflict is amazing."
  • Attributes that make the content of the character
  • How greatest minds work
  • Steps to greatness
  • Learn to evolve together
  • Reason for the conflict
  • Gain clarity

Living the character of that greatness we seek under any circumstance can come only from the awareness that we are above all that happens to us. We are none of these happenings but beyond. This "beyond" finds us calm & in peace amidst all turmoil yet can resolve any conflict.