Ground Yourself

3 Chapters

30 mins

₹29.00 monthly

You'll find one common similarity in all the greatest achievers of the world and that is: they are grounded. They stay grounded, no matter how things are in the outside of their world. As if they could control everything, as if they know the end result of what they are going through.

There are so many examples in the world today that have shown one thing in common: the one who perseveres through the greatest traumas of life is the one who has endured pain and loss at levels a common person cannot fathom. That’s why few are entitled to the glory of life, and it all comes from one thing — being grounded.

Ground Yourself

So all that naivety and smartness, that perspicacity, that manipulation, those manoeuvres—all will be dealt with very well by a person of great character who remains grounded. This is the power of groundedness — that’s the power you have.

No one can fool you, no one can beguile or delude you into believing something because you have become subtle in your energetic strength.

Energetically, you are very subtle, and once you are attuned with the life force itself, you will be able to sense the intentions of everyone. Intentions are always hidden, but character is revealed by behavior, and you can understand the motivations behind people's actions if you have one quality: staying grounded.

What you will Gain from the Ground Yourself Journey?

  • Becoming subtle in energetic strength
  • Ability to gaze through the intentions
  • Learnings of human finesse

Ground yourself. To be grounded is the greatest gift you can give yourself, especially in this age where one tries to overrun the other.