Mind: A Fantastic Tool
6 Chapters
1 hrs 14 mins
₹29.00 monthly
If we are able to take care of the expressions, only the expressions, nothing else, then more than 50% of the problem will be mitigated or reduced because it is the extraneous demeanour that drains your energy. It has nothing to do with your academic qualification, the background, the ethnicity, the caste, the creed, the colour, the culture, nothing to do with that. It is your choice, but just becoming conscious of that is a better way to handle it.
You know that you are just predominantly, predisposed, biased and bigoted version of that demeaning disposition which creates the same pattern of the same experiences again and over again, and you are that victim of it because your body has memorised to express itself. If you are just a residue of that memory, then nothing could happen in your life. There is no possibility of any growth, but there is a possibility that lies on the other side of it and that is taking that level of slothfulness, sluggishness, inertia —taking it from there to the consciousness.
If you could control the body, it means that if you could control how you orient yourself, how you conduct yourself in all situations, it can actually start believing into the different possibilities as —how it could be moulded because it is plastic. The most malleable thing ever on this planet is mind. Nothing else is as malleable as the mind is, and that is the power of your mind.
What you will Gain from the Mind: A Fantastic Tool Journey?
- Create harmony within
- Rise above emotions
- Gain ability to handle stress
- Channelise the body holistically
- Tap the power of Mind
- Learn tools to new possibilities
The only friend that we can have is our 'Mind'. The mind in here which we are referring to is 'The willingness to do as it wishes', the 'power to choose' in any given situation & point in time—is an absolute privilege conferred only upon the human race, which, unfortunately, today turns into a foe & works mostly against us.